Transformation 5.0

Walking Tall, Destination Movement, and Internal Fire

Walking Tall

Embrace movement.

Really, embrace it.  You were quite literally made to move.

Yes, it feels like drudgery at times.   Yes, you would rather plant yourself on the couch at times.  Yes, hailing a cab seems more enticing at times.

However, movement – walking, climbing stairs, hiking, playing – is a pillar of the Relentless Transformation.  A pillar that’s often ignored.

“I could go for a walk, but how much difference is that really going to make?”

The answer is a lot.  Movement adds up and comes with both physical and mental benefits.

The Caveman Doctor and I recorded last night (the podcast is back and rolling along!) and we discussed the topic in some depth.  Our disappointment in seeing so many default to not walking.  Making walking a goal wherever you live and whatever your environment.  The massive difference it makes for older adults.

I can wax poetic about nutrition and exercise all I want.  However, if I look at my older personal training clients (I train 7 healthy individuals above 70), they have two common bonds: a fulfilling social life and daily walking.  I repeat: daily walking.

Embrace your own environment and consider the opportunities you have to bake in more walking and general movement.  You’ll feel better.  You’ll sleep better.  You’ll live longer.


Destination Movement

One of my favorite ways to get moving is targeting an ultimate destination.  Then your walk/hike/run becomes a journey with a reward at the end.

Yesterday I ran 2-miles to the Philadelphia Art Museum and used the opportunity to informally meditate while soaking in the scenery.  I capped the experience by casually walking back home.

Yes, of course I ran the stairs once.


Day 9 Recap

The exercise world was light.  I have big lifts coming on Thursday and Saturday, and I wanted to move but not too intensely.

With the 2-mile run thrown in, the Fitbit read out 18,470 steps and 9.15 miles.

However, there’s a huge downer on the Fitbit front.  While walking back from the Art Museum, I decided to test its accuracy because I had a hunch it was shorting me.  I wanted to be wrong, but alas my experiment concluded that for every 150 steps I took, the Fitbit was giving me just north of 120.  That’s a big gap!

I’ll continue to use it for the time being, and I’ll test it a few more random times.  Hopefully I caught it at its worst.

Sleep checked in at 7 hours and 49 minutes (8 restless minutes).

Here’s the nutrition

Breakfast:  Grass-fed greek yogurt, cacao nibs, chia seeds, coconut, (1/2tbsp) raw honey, banana.  Black gold.

Day 9 Breakfast

Lunch:  First meal out of my comfort zone during the program.  Relentless Riss and I grabbed lunch at Le Pain Quotidien.  Fortunately they have many solid options, although a few modifications were necessary (namely hold the bread!)  Smoked salmon, soft boiled egg, salad with fresh lemon, side of ham, fresh berries.

Day 9 LunchDay 9 Lunch 2Day 9 Lunch 3

Snack:  Rise Bar.


Post-Activity:  Grass-fed whole milk.

Day 7 Post Workout

Dinner:  (2 Bowls) ground bison, wilted spinach, kale, and frisee, green peas, brown rice pasta, and salt/pepper/garlic/cayenne.

Day 9 Dinner

Daily Fuel

Normally I look externally for a source of daily fuel – something that resonates and stokes the fire.

It’s important to balance that process with internal fuel and fire.

Today ponder your Why, your unique set of reasons for positive physical/mental change, and your accomplishments thus far.  Sit with those things for a bit and make damn sure you acknowledge your efforts.

Whether you know it or not, you’re inspiring someone else.


Image Credit:  Walking Tall –

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  • Reply
    Erica June
    June 5, 2014 at 6:22 pm

    Nice work Rog!!! Loving the posts.

    • Reply
      Relentless Roger
      June 6, 2014 at 1:22 pm

      Thanks Erica! As always, let me know if there’s anything else you want to hear about. Ultimate transparency is the name of the game.

  • Reply
    June 6, 2014 at 1:45 am

    Just caught up on all the posts and am enjoying them, especially the log of what you are eating (surprised?!). I didn’t know you liked kimchi–I’m making some right now, and will bring you some the next time I see you.

  • Reply
    June 6, 2014 at 2:35 am

    Yea, loving the posts Roger! The photos are the best. One thing though. That Huff Post link didn’t work for me on my iPAD. I’m just about to buy a fitbit. What do you think? Handy tool despite it’s Inaccuracy? I’m all about measuring body parameters! Keeps me disciplined. By the way, I’m more comfortable now with ‘personal Paleo’ as you explained to me. But ‘brown rice pasta’ seems a step too far. I just can’t imagine how that can be acceptable. It’s a red flag to me in many ways. I think I’ll skip that one but re-introduce some other things, like white rice, etc. once my weight goals are in check.

    • Reply
      Relentless Roger
      June 6, 2014 at 1:27 pm

      I fixed that link Steven – good catch.

      In spite of its inaccuracy, I still do support the Fitbit. It has encouraged more movement and more attention towards sleep quality. For those two reasons, it’s been worth it.

      I’m glad you’re coming around to personal Paleo. The best part is that you can take what works for you and discard the rest (e.g. the brown rice pasta). Remember, that my goals are UNIQUE. Due to my profession, my activity level, and my desired outcome, the allotment for carbohydrates is higher.

      Keep on keeping on!

  • Reply
    Fat Fear, Balanced Eating, and Unlearning
    June 18, 2014 at 2:11 pm

    […]  The kimchi was delicious and courtesy of Jean – thank you!  Check the comment section of this post out for Jean’s kimchi recipe links.  I’m a believer – homemade kimchi does taste […]

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