Do you trust your stomach? Do you trust it to tell you when it’s hungry? Do you trust it to tell you when it’s had enough? I don’t trust mine one bit. The root of my distrust likely originated with my…
You know you better than anyone else. If that truth doesn’t immediately resonate, take some necessary steps. Learn to become more aware. Learn to listen. Learn to trust. When your body and mind say go, let ‘er rip! When…
Have you ever kept a food log? Self imposed accountability is tremendously powerful. The simple act of writing down what you eat – on a napkin, in a journal, or through a spreadsheet – forces you to think through…
What else can you focus on? Have you ever been in a situation where you don’t want to indulge, yet ultimately you do? Why does this happen? On Sunday, we took a fun group to Frankford Hall in Northern…
What if you’re making this too big of a deal? What if you’re putting too much pressure on yourself? What if that is the reason you haven’t had your fitness breakthrough, and it’s not because you are incapable, weak, and/or…
I’m ranting today. Brace yourself. Ready? Why is it so hard to see the forest for the trees? Why are we so skewed towards short-term thinking? While short-term thinking makes sense in light of evolutionary demands, it’s pretty damn frustrating!…
While the exercise world technically contained a day of recovery, Marissa and I went on a 3 hour hike in the Wissahickon Valley for her birthday. That’s right, it was a birthday hike! For those familiar with the area,…
What type of calendar do you use in your day-to-day life? Google, iPhone, Outlook, third party app, pen and paper, or (gasp!) nothing but your head? If you’re anything like me, your calendar is your fail-safe. It’s your trusty…