Transformation 5.0

Real People, Real Results, Real World

My Relentless Transformation 5.0 experience is very nearly over, and it’s time for an updated batch of… …R-E-S-U-L-T-S! As we’ve discussed, there is no better way of evaluating progress than implementing and tracking a well-rounded results profile.  My consistent recommendation…

Transformation 5.0

Alive, Well, and Transforming Like Hell

I know what you’re thinking. Where has Roger been?  Has he fallen off the Transformation wagon?  Is he lying on a couch somewhere with empty pints of Ben & Jerry’s strewn around the crime scene? Today I am thrilled…

Transformation 5.0

Family Matters and Training Transitions

Home is where the bad habits are. If you’ve come around to the notion of thriving health in your adulthood like I have, your family time and family environment come with all sorts of baked in and less than…

Transformation 5.0

Impose New Demands to Break New Ground

Stop playing it so safe. When you consistently play it safe, your body stops adapting both physically and mentally.  Adaptation is a function of imposing a demand on yourself, a demand to which you are not accustomed.  That provides…

Transformation 5.0

Carrots, Sticks, and Shocks

Is it better to reach toward something positive or actively avoid something negative? The carrot rewards you after accomplishing a milestone.  The stick punishes after deviating from the milestone’s path. Question of the day: the carrot or the stick? Some say…