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Relentless Transformation 5.0

Transformation 5.0

Eating Enough, Transition, and Steve Maxwell


While a large percentage of Relentless Transformers come in search of weight/bodyfat loss, you will hear “eat more!” come out of my mouth 10x as often as “eat less!”.  Ironic, right?

When I say this it’s in attempt to combat the nasty, conditioned diet cycle that is so baked into our culture.  The one that wears hunger like a badge of honor (because it must mean weight loss).  And pardon me for beating a dead horse, but the one that wears scale results like a badge of honor.

In the end, all consistent hunger will do for you is result in eventual binging and rebounding. Continue Reading

Transformation 5.0

Muckfest, Vitamin D, and Embracing the Ups

Muckfest Start It’s easy to forget the inspiring power of competition and social activity.

When you’re not regularly involved in sports games, sports teams, recess, or intramurals as a child/teenager, long stretches of time can pass without anything competitively physical as an adult.  Life gets in the way.  Different things pop up on the radar.

Put something on your calendar.  Now.  Choose a mud run, obstacle race, 5K, 10K, any-K, charity walk – you get the idea. Continue Reading

Transformation 5.0

Social Expectations, Reward Systems, and Long-term Greatness


The weekend is here!  Or, should I say, the most common downfall of the best fitness intentions?

From 5 years of Relentless Transformation experience, it’s clear that weekends are #1, 2, and 3 on the list of program derailers.

Why?  Weekends usually mean off-time.  Social time – with family, friends, and associates.  Travel.  Events away from home – brunches, lunches, and dinners.  Barbecues, beaches, parties, sports games, and the list goes on…

All of the above introduce two major things: social expectations and ingrained reward systems. Continue Reading

Transformation 5.0

Paleo Not Paleo, Daily Fuel, and Lock In

Simpsons Angel Devil

Today begins with a question:

“Are chia seeds, quinoa and yoghurt Paleo? I thought we weren’t supposed to eat those?” – Steven

First, Steven, thanks for writing!  I felt this warranted a more thought out reply, so onward to the answer:

In the strict sense chia seeds, quinoa, and yogurt are decidedly not Paleo.  However, is Paleo the measuring stick that takes priority in every situation?

I love Paleo.  I support it, I believe in it, and I practice it.  Most of the time.

Paleo fails when it becomes blind, when it becomes blanket shoulds and shouldn’ts, and when it loses the individual nature of nutrition. Continue Reading

Transformation 5.0

Too Much Too Soon, Fat 2 Fit, and Stoicism

I get it.  I know you are dedicated.

At the outset of any big physical push, there is a tendency to do too much too soon.  It’s natural.

Usually the push begins out of dissatisfaction with the status quo.  When the dissatisfaction reaches a tipping point – BAM – you want to change it all now.  Overnight.  Right this second!

In Relentless Transformation kick-off consultations, I’m regularly holding people back from what the believe they should be doing.  “I can give you 6 days a week.  1.5 hours in the gym per day.  No, make it 7 days!”  I always appreciate the dedication.  And then of course I roll up my sleeves and explain why I only want 3 workouts in week one. Continue Reading

Transformation 5.0

It’s Official, Be Specific, and The Relentless 5K

It’s official now.

The build-up to a Relentless Transformation comes with rapidly swinging emotions.  Am I really doing this?  Hell yes I’m doing this!  What if I don’t meet my expectations?  I’ll crush my expectations!  And around and around they go, impossible to control.

By Day 1 the swings are gone.  Replacing them is raw energy.  It’s a day when caffeine ain’t got nothing on the natural high.

On Day 2 it’s official.  There’s latent fatigue from Day 1 after the mega energy burst.  It creates a grounded realness to the experience.  Yes, this will be awesome, but yes, this will take hard work and habit formation.  Roll up your sleeves.  One step at a time. Continue Reading