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Transformation 5.0

Relentless Transformation 5.0

Are you in need of a fresh start?

I know I am.

As I am fond of saying, life has a tendency to just happen.  Days, weeks, and months fly by with a disconnect between a visual in your head of what you wish for and what is actual reality.  The more time that passes, the more excuses arise.  “I’ll do it as soon as I have more time.”  “I’ll do it as soon as ___ passes”.

It’s been a busy year thus far, and those excuses have insidiously crept into my own life.  I hate that realization.  Hate.

The disconnect between my visual and my reality is a prominent source of dissatisfaction today.  And so I have two options:  change my expectations (the visual) or change my reality.

I choose the latter. Continue Reading