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Relentless Podcast

No Regrets on Thanksgiving, Declaring a Hard Stop, and a Simple Strength Routine

It’s time for Episode 22 of the Relentless: Real People, Real Results, Real World podcast:


Relentless News: 

  • Shouting out our recent Relentless rockstars – Brittany, Dave, and Pam.
  • Reflecting on the last episode of the Relentless podcast when I was put on the hotseat.
  • Talking morning and evening routines:
    • Morning: “No matter how early I train at the studio, I always leave myself 45-minutes or more of calm in a reading chair.”
    • Evening: “No matter how late it is, I always turn on a reading lamp and read a few pages of fiction before closing the eyes.”

Relentless Main Event: 

  • Thanksgiving health and fitness: It’s an individual journey. Period. No one can or should pass judgement on anyone else without considering context (and headlines and snap advice rarely do).
  • The idea of aligning expectations and actions and having no regrets.
  • Three concrete ways to do this:
    • Keep your workouts consistent while eating/drinking is inconsistent.
    • Think ahead and decide what is worth it to you and what are the mindless triggers that lead to regrets later.
    • Declare a “hard stop” after your indulgence(s).

Relentless Actions: 

  • Mind: Employ the power of teamwork.
  • Body: Lift heavy things. If new to the game, put into action a simple routine of pull, deadlift, push, and squat/lunge (described in the audio).
  • Business: Take a step back during holiday downtime and consider the forest, not the trees.

Relentless Ask:
No ask – only a big thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!

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