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grass-fed beef

Relentless Podcast

Why Coffee, Meat, and Wine Cause and Prevent Cancer at the Same Time

It’s time for Episode 16 of the Relentless: Real People, Real Results, Real World podcast:


State of Relentless: 

Relentless Main Event: 

Relentless Actions: 

  • Mind: Visit your local bookstore (or reclaim a past, positive habit).
  • Body: Create a playing card deck workout.
  • Business: To the newer business people/owners, advice from Marissa Pellegrino: “Breathe. Just chill out. Your business is an extension of who you are so in some ways you may feel rejected, not good, not worthy of, it must be you. Remove yourself from the equation. Flip it and go onto the customer or the client side. What would I want? Does that line up with who you are? Are you waking up and doing that? Do you feel good?”

Relentless Ask:
5 days remain to fund a Steve’s Club teenager. Be my hero, click here, and change a life!

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