Surprise, surprise! The Cave Doc and I just happened to have a “lost episode” hanging around in the archives. Prior to our return to normalcy, here’s Episode #65: Trap Bar Island for your listening pleasure: Grab it via iTunes…
Today begins with a question: “Are chia seeds, quinoa and yoghurt Paleo? I thought we weren’t supposed to eat those?” – Steven First, Steven, thanks for writing! I felt this warranted a more thought out reply, so onward to…
I get it. I know you are dedicated. At the outset of any big physical push, there is a tendency to do too much too soon. It’s natural. Usually the push begins out of dissatisfaction with the status quo.…
It’s official now. The build-up to a Relentless Transformation comes with rapidly swinging emotions. Am I really doing this? Hell yes I’m doing this! What if I don’t meet my expectations? I’ll crush my expectations! And around and around they go,…
Are you in need of a fresh start? I know I am. As I am fond of saying, life has a tendency to just happen. Days, weeks, and months fly by with a disconnect between a visual in your…