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hiking outdoors

Transformation 5.0

Hikes, Birthdays, and Thank Yous


While the exercise world technically contained a day of recovery, Marissa and I went on a 3 hour hike in the Wissahickon Valley for her birthday.  That’s right, it was a birthday hike!  For those familiar with the area, a large chunk of it took place on and around Forbidden Drive.

Our favorite topic of conversation was marveling at our surroundings and exclaiming what a good idea the hike was.  No joke.

Being in this kind of environment just feels right somehow, and it’s mentally and physically restorative.  Stress management at its finest.  No city buildings, no concrete, no people and noise overload.  Only trees, green as far as the eye can see, and the occasional biker/hiker and bird song.

We also found 3 hours, split into two pieces (lunch destination at the midpoint) to be the perfect length for a day hike.  Of course there are places and times for far longer, more intense hikes, but this was ideal for a day event.  Enough to get a sweat going but not enough to break down the body.

I beat the nature drum a lot, so I’ll spare you more praise.  Simply put, schedule one and get out there, will you? Continue Reading